שיעור 16 of 20


maor alfasi מרץ 13, 2025

Movement Demonstration


Balancé: Rocking step; in ballet is a step where a dancer moves while alternating balance between their feet.  

This step is very much like a pas de valse and alternates balance, shifting the weight from one foot to the other. The rhythm is usually in three counts like a waltz and has the motion of going “down, up, down” with their legs.

Balancé may be done crossing the foot either front or back – fifth position R foot front, demi-plié, dégagé the R foot to the second position, and jump on it lightly in demi-plié, crossing the L foot behind the R ankle and inclining the head and body to the right. Step on the L demi-pointe behind the R foot, slightly lifting the R foot off the ground, then fall on the R foot again in demi-plié with the L foot raised sur le cou-de-pied derrière. The next balancé will be to the left side. Balancé may also be done en avant or en arrière facing croisé or effacé and en tournant.

Typically, a dancer starts in a fifth or “b-plus” position (the front foot straight and back leg bent and crossed behind) and extends the back leg to a degagé to the side on the first “and” count. Then fondue and transfer weight onto that foot while crossing the other behind the ankle in coupé position. Pique on the back foot while slightly lifting the first, then fondue once again on the first foot.

Movement Techniques

  1. Movement Explanations:
    1. Start in Fifth position.
    2. Step down to the side (almost move into Coupé).
    3. Demi plié in the standing leg.
    4. Step down again and move the leg back to the center.
  2. Movement Techniques:
    1. Move your leg to the back and think, “UP.”