שיעור 2 of 20

Positions of the foot

maor alfasi אוקטובר 26, 2024

Movement Demonstration


There are five levels at which the foot may be placed on the floor: 

  1. Pied à terre: foot on the ground. The entire sole of the foot rests on the ground.
  2. Pied à quart: foot on the quarter-point. The heel is barely raised off the floor. 
  3. Pied à demi: foot on the half-point. The dancer stands with the weight on the ball of the foot with the heel raised off the floor. 
  4. Pied à trois quarts: foot on the three-quarter point. The dancer stands with the weight high on the ball of the foot and on the toes with the heel raised off the floor. 
  5. Sur la pointe: on the full point. The dancer stands on the tips of the toes.

Movement Techniques

  1. First Position:
    1. Place heels together.
    2. Toes face out to each side.
    3. Open the feet at an angle you can comfortably stand in.
    4. Keep legs straight.
  2. Second Position:
    1. Turn out your legs.
    2. Keep the same angle as the First position.
    3. Maintain a space of one foot between the feet.
    4. Balance body weight in the center, between the legs.
  3. Third Position:
    1. Place one foot directly in front of the other.
    2. Place the front heel in the middle of the back foot.
    3. Both feet should be turned out.
  4. Fourth Position:
    1. Place one foot in front of the other.
    2. Maintain a space of one foot between the feet.
    3. Keep front fool heel in line with back foot toes.
    4. Bodyweight balanced between the two legs.
  5. Fifth Position:
    1. Place one foot directly in front of the other.
    2. Both feet turned out.
    3. Keep front foot heel as close as possible to back foot toes.
    4. Front foot toes as close as possible to back foot heel.
    5. Keep feet turned out.